UB SCJPS Conducts Practical Stress Management Seminar among Jail Personnel of Baguio City Jail – Male Dormitory

The University of Baguio School of Criminal Justice and Public Safety hosted a webinar on Practical Stress Management for Baguio City Jail personnel. The discussion of Sir Jojet Lamberto Mondares, entitled ‘Destressing Kettle: A Gateway in Understanding How to Help Others’, shows how the simple way of learning and understanding about stress can be done with a simple drawing of a kettle. This webinar tackled the issues concerning the mental health of uniformed personnel and discussed strategies on how an individual can manage their stressors, mainly by recognizing their stress in order for it to be addressed. Although some of these stressors may not be within the person’s control, practical strategies may be applied to at least lessen the burden of these stressors, if not totally eradicated. Recognizing that uniformed personnel are also undergoing stress, which in effect affects the way they function during the discharge of their functions, is important in helping them maintain their mental, psychological, and behavioral normalcy.

With all the techniques laid down by the speaker on how to identify their stressors (as early as possible for earlier diversion) and how to manage and cope with their stressors, it is concluded that the seminar has been of great success not only to the uniformed personnel but also to each participant present in the seminar.

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