Dean of UB SCJPS Now Appointed to the CPSP-CATS

Dr. Charesma Grace K. Lud-ayen, an accomplished individual in the field of criminology education, has recently been appointed as a member of the Career Progression and Career Specialization Program and Credit Accumulation and Transfer System (CPSP-CATS) Committee of Criminology. This prestigious appointment came to Dr. Lud-ayen through the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Resolution No. 1316 series of 2021.

As the Dean of the University of Baguio’s School of Criminal Justice and Public Safety (SCJPS), Dr. Lud-ayen has demonstrated her expertise and considerable contributions to the field. Her extensive years of experience in academia, coupled with her remarkable educational attainment, research and development achievements, outreach and extension efforts, and effective leadership as the current dean of UB SCJPS, have all played a significant role in her selection for this highly sought-after position. The CPSP-CATS Committee of Criminology is composed of academic and industry experts who are responsible for developing and implementing the necessary programs and policies to further enhance the education and application of criminologists in higher education institutions. Their collective efforts aim to align the career paths of criminologists with the national and institutional frameworks in place, thereby addressing the evolving needs of the country in the field of criminology.

The appointment of Dr. Lud-ayen to this prestigious committee is a testament to her outstanding
achievements and expertise. Her inclusion in this esteemed group of individuals highlights her
commitment to advancing the field of criminology and her dedication to ensuring that the
education and career paths of criminologists remain excellent and responsive to the dynamic
needs of the country.

The University of Baguio’s School of Criminal Justice and Public Safety, where Dr. Lud-ayen
currently serves as the dean, is recognized as a Center of Excellence in Criminology Education.
This esteemed designation further underscores Dr. Lud-ayen’s ability to contribute significantly
to the development and implementation of the CPSP-CATS programs and policies, given her
wealth of knowledge and experience in the field.

Dr. Lud-ayen’s appointment to the CPSP-CATS Committee is not only a source of pride for the
University of Baguio but also a recognition of the institution’s commitment to providing quality
education and producing competent and highly skilled criminologists. Her representation in the
committee ensures that the collective voice of the university is heard and considered in shaping
the future of criminology education and career progression in the country.

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